If you have a vagina, or know someone that does, then you know the good, the bad and unfortunately the ugly, that comes with it. I’ve struggled with feminine problems for years including, reoccurring BV, yeast, menstrual irregularities and problems with birth control. I’ve worked in the medical field since 2006, starting as a medic on the ambulance and earning a degree in medical science in 2011. I currently work in emergency medicine, where my passion for vaginal health grew. By the time women get to me with their vaginal issues, the situation is urgent. They have already tried every lotion, potion and pill that you can think of to no avail. As a medical provider, I understand them, as a women, I relate to them. My goal in creating The V Doctor is to make feminine hygiene healthy, safe and chemical free. I currently practice western medicine and strongly believe that this, in combination with holistic medicine, will be an effective way to gain control of our vaginal health. Thank you for shopping with The V Doctor. A Healthy Vagina, A Happier You…
Introducing my products to you with love, LaTanya M.