News — Nature

How To Increase Intimacy For Women Who Struggle With Vaginal Dryness

Posted by LaTanya Morris on

How To Increase Intimacy For Women Who Struggle With Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal problems such as dryness can be related to factors such as breastfeeding, birth control, or the passing of time, for reasons that are often unrelated to age. Studies show that about 50% of postmenopausal women experience vaginal dryness, making it an inevitable part of growing older. The negative outcome of vaginal dryness can vary from a mildly irritating effect to debilitating. Aside from feeling uncomfortably uncomfortable, it may also lead to painful sex, urinary tract infections, and eventually: a lower libido. How vaginal dryness affects sex. Even with increased lubrication, having sex can be painful for women if it...

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Restore Vaginal pH Balance Naturally

Posted by LaTanya Morris on

Restore Vaginal pH Balance Naturally

When your vaginal pH balance is disturbed you may experience such maladies asvaginal infections, cramping during menstrual cycles, viral illnesses, abnormalsensitivity, inflammation and acne.Different parts of the body have different pH ‘normal’ ranges. When the pH levelmoves beyond this, either becoming too alkaline or too acidic, ill-health results.This is often because the imbalance creates an environment where beneficialorganisms are inhibited, and dangerous ones thrive.pH Imbalance Usually System-wideWhen this occurs, disease follows. This is not limited to only vaginal health.Unbalanced pH has been implicated in severe conditions such as osteoporosis,Alzheimer’s disease and even strokes.Before pH imbalance causes problems for you, adjust...

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Top 7 Foods to Improve Vaginal Health

Posted by LaTanya Morris on

Top 7 Foods to Improve Vaginal Health

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Vaginal Hygiene Tips

Posted by Steve Dansby on

Vaginal Hygiene Tips

There are tons of feminine hygiene products on the market today. Advertisers areconstantly telling women they should douche, spray feminine deodorant aroundthe vagina and how they can benefit from their products.But, the vagina is easy to keep clean without purchasing a myriad of hygieneproducts. Vaginal hygiene techniques are mostly common sense, but many wouldrather try high-priced products than rely on simple, yet more effective forms ofhygiene. Some tips include: Vaginal Self-cleansing – You may not know that the natural dischargesecreted from your vagina is a natural cleansing agent that helps to protectyou against infections.If you wash the vagina excessively, douche...

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